
Software generators#

There are lots of software tools to create diagrams of any type and use case. Two popular options with GUI’s are:

Other commonly used software libraries embedded within other generators are:

  • Graphviz with dot

  • PlantUML

  • Mermaid

An important aspect of diagrams created by software is their file type and data structure. Some file types are compatible or convertible, while others require adhering to a specific tech stack.


Briefly describe the file types, which are convertible, and make a broad recommendation on which to adopt and which to avoid.

Mermaid text-based generator#

Possibly broaden to include other text-based diagram generators.

Describe mermaid and what it enables in the context of software documentation:

  • Rendered in GitHub elements such as comments on any thread (Issues, PR, etc)

  • Rendered in GitHub Pages

  • Rendered in Jupyter Notebooks

  • Very easy to extend and build large diagrams quickly

  • Can be used in any text editor

  • Customizable styling (limited, but functional)


  • No control over placement of elements

  • Limited functionality for less common diagram types