Source code for wcomp.foxes_interface

from pathlib import Path

import foxes.constants as FC
import foxes.variables as FV
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import foxes
from foxes.algorithms.downwind import Downwind
from foxes.core import WindFarm, WakeModel
from foxes.input.farm_layout import add_from_df
from foxes.input.states import StatesTable
from foxes.models.turbine_types import CpCtFromTwo
from foxes.models.turbine_models import kTI
from foxes.output import FlowPlots2D
from foxes.models.model_book import ModelBook
from foxes.models.wake_models.wind import JensenWake
from foxes.models.wake_models.wind import Bastankhah2014
from foxes.models.wake_models.wind import Bastankhah2016
from foxes.models.wake_models.wind import TurbOParkWake
from foxes.models.wake_frames import YawedWakes

from windIO.utils.yml_utils import load_yaml
from .base_interface import WCompBase
from .output_struct import WakePlane, WakeProfile
from .plotting import plot_plane, plot_profile

# This dictionary maps generic model names in the windIO input file
# to the tool's specific name. It also maps parameter names from the
# referenced papers to the parameters in the implementation.
# "windIO_model_name": {
#   "model_ref": the current software's reference for this wake model,
#   "parameters": {
#       "model parameter": windIO parameter
#   }
# }

    # Velocity models
    "jensen": {
        "model_ref": JensenWake,
        "parameters": {
            "k": "alpha",
    "bastankhah2014": {
        "model_ref": Bastankhah2014,
        "parameters": {
            "k": "k_star",
    "bastankhah2016": {
        "model_ref": Bastankhah2016,
        "parameters": {
            "alpha": "alpha",
            "beta": "beta",
            "kTI": "ka",
            "kb": "kb",
    "turbopark": {
        "model_ref": TurbOParkWake,
        "parameters": {
            "A": "A",

    # Deflection model
    # "jimenez": {
    #     "model_ref": ,
    #     "parameters": {
    #         "alpha": "alpha",
    #         "beta": "beta",
    #         "k": "k",
    #     }
    # }
    "bastankhah2016_deflection": {
        "model_ref": YawedWakes,
        "parameters": {
            "alpha": "alpha",
            "beta": "beta",
            "kTI": "ka",
            "kb": "kb",

[docs] class WCompFoxes(WCompBase): LINE_PLOT_COLOR = "red" LINE_PLOT_MARKER = "" LINE_PLOT_LINESTYLE = "--" LINE_PLOT_LINEWIDTH = 2 LEGEND = "FOXES" def __init__(self, input_file: str | Path): input_dictionary = load_yaml(input_file) self.mbook,, self.states, self.algo = self.read_case(input_dictionary) self.farm_results = self.algo.calc_farm() @property def rotor_diameter(self) -> float: return self.mbook.turbine_types["windio_turbine"].D @property def hub_height(self) -> float: return self.mbook.turbine_types["windio_turbine"].H ### Create the model from windIO
[docs] def read_resource(self, res, fixed_vars={}, **kwargs): """ Reads a WindIO energy resource Parameters ---------- res_yaml : str Path to the yaml file fixed_vars : dict Additional fixes variables that do not occur in the yaml kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for StatesTable Returns ------- states: foxes.states.StatesTable The uniform states """ wres = res["wind_resource"] wd = np.array(wres["wind_direction"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) ws = np.array(wres["wind_speed"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) n_wd = len(wd) n_ws = len(ws) n = n_wd*n_ws data = np.zeros((n_wd, n_ws, 2), dtype=FC.DTYPE) data[:, :, 0] = wd[:, None] data[:, :, 1] = ws[None, :] names = ["wind_direction", "wind_speed"] def _to_data(v, d, dims): nonlocal data, names hdata = np.zeros((n_wd, n_ws, 1), dtype=FC.DTYPE) if len(dims) == 0: hdata[:, :, 0] = FC.DTYPE(d) elif len(dims) == 1: if dims[0] == "wind_direction": hdata[:, :, 0] = np.array(d, dtype=FC.DTYPE)[:, None] elif dims[0] == "wind_speed": hdata[:, :, 0] = np.array(d, dtype=FC.DTYPE)[None, :] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dimension '{dims[0]}' for data '{v}'") elif len(dims) == 2: if dims[0] == "wind_direction" and dims[1] == "wind_speed": hdata[:, :, 0] = np.array(d, dtype=FC.DTYPE) elif dims[1] == "wind_direction" and dims[0] == "wind_speed": hdata[:, :, 0] = np.swapaxes(np.array(d, dtype=FC.DTYPE), 0, 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot handle dims = {dims} for data '{v}'") else: raise ValueError(f"Can not accept more than two dimensions, got {dims} for data '{v}'") data = np.append(data, hdata, axis=2) names.append(v) vmap = { "wind_direction": FV.WD, "wind_speed": FV.WS, "turbulence_intensity": FV.TI, "air_density": FV.RHO, "probability": FV.WEIGHT } for v, d in wres.items(): if v in vmap and isinstance(d, dict): _to_data(v, d["data"], d["dims"]) n_vars = len(names) data = data.reshape(n, n_vars) data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n), data=data, columns=names) = "state" data.rename(columns=vmap, inplace=True) ovars = {v: v for v in data.columns if v != FV.WEIGHT} ovars.update({k: v for k, v in fixed_vars.items() if k not in data.columns}) return StatesTable( data, output_vars=ovars, fixed_vars=fixed_vars, **kwargs )
[docs] def read_site(self, site, **kwargs): """ Reads a WindIO site Parameters ---------- site_yaml : str Path to the yaml file kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for read_resource Returns ------- states : foxes.states.States The states object """ res_yaml = site["energy_resource"] states = self.read_resource(res_yaml, **kwargs) return states
[docs] def read_farm(self, fdict, mbook=None, layout=-1, turbine_models=[], **kwargs): """ Reads a WindIO wind farm Parameters ---------- farm_yaml : str Path to the yaml file mbook : foxes.ModelBook, optional The model book to start from layout : str or int The layout choice turbine_models : list of str Additional turbine models kwargs : dict, optional Additional parameters for add_from_df() Returns ------- mbook : foxes.ModelBook The model book farm : foxes.WindFarm The wind farm """ mbook = ModelBook() if mbook is None else mbook if isinstance(layout, str): layout = fdict['layouts'][layout] else: lname = list(fdict['layouts'].keys())[layout] layout = fdict['layouts'][lname] x = np.array(layout["coordinates"]["x"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) y = np.array(layout["coordinates"]["y"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) N = len(x) ldata = pd.DataFrame(index=range(N)) = "index" ldata["x"] = x ldata["y"] = y tdict = fdict["turbines"] pdict = tdict["performance"] ct_ws = np.array(pdict["Ct_curve"]["Ct_wind_speeds"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) ct_data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(ct_ws))) ct_data["ws"] = ct_ws ct_data["ct"] = np.array(pdict["Ct_curve"]["Ct_values"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) cp_ws = np.array(pdict["Cp_curve"]["Cp_wind_speeds"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) cp_data = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(cp_ws))) cp_data["ws"] = cp_ws cp_data["cp"] = np.array(pdict["Cp_curve"]["Cp_values"], dtype=FC.DTYPE) D = float(tdict["rotor_diameter"]) H = float(tdict["hub_height"]) mbook.turbine_types["windio_turbine"] = CpCtFromTwo( cp_data, ct_data, col_ws_cp_file="ws", col_cp="cp", D=D, H=H ) models = ["windio_turbine"] + turbine_models farm = WindFarm(name=fdict["name"]) add_from_df(farm, ldata, col_x="x", col_y="y", turbine_models=models, **kwargs) return mbook, farm
[docs] def read_analyses(self, analyses, mbook, farm, states, keymap={}, **algo_pars): """ Reads a WindIO wind farm Parameters ---------- analyses : dict The analyses sub-dict of the case mbook : foxes.ModelBook The model book farm : foxes.WindFarm The wind farm states : foxes.states.States The states object keymap : dict Translation from windio to foxes keywords algo_type : str The default algorithm class name algo_pars : dict, optional Additional parameters for the algorithm constructor Returns ------- algo : foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm """ yaw_angles = np.array([analyses["yaw_angles"]]) wes_analysis = analyses wake_model_name = wes_analysis["wake_model"]["velocity"]["name"] _velocity_model_mapping = WAKE_MODEL_MAPPING[wake_model_name] _velocity_model = _velocity_model_mapping["model_ref"] _velocity_model_parameters = { k: wes_analysis["wake_model"]["velocity"]["parameters"][v] for k, v in _velocity_model_mapping["parameters"].items() } _velocity_model_parameters["induction"] = "Betz" if FV.KTI in _velocity_model_parameters: kti = _velocity_model_parameters.pop(FV.KTI) kb = _velocity_model_parameters.pop(FV.KB, 0.) _velocity_model_parameters["k"] = None mbook.turbine_models["kTI"] = kTI(kTI=kti, kb=kb) for t in farm.turbines: t.add_model("kTI") if wes_analysis["wake_model"]["deflection"]["name"] is not None: # NOTE: foxes supports only one deflection model, so there's no need to parse the # deflection model settings from windIO. # Check the name, and error if it isn't Bastankhah2016 if wes_analysis["wake_model"]["deflection"]["name"] != "bastankhah2016_deflection": raise ValueError("foxes supports only Bastankhah2016 for the deflection model.") # _deflection_model_mapping = WAKE_MODEL_MAPPING[wes_analysis["wake_model"]["deflection"]["name"]] # _deflection_model = _deflection_model_mapping["model_ref"] # _deflection_model_parameters = { # k: wes_analysis["wake_model"]["deflection"]["parameters"][v] # for k, v in _deflection_model_mapping["parameters"].items() # } # _deflection_model = _deflection_model(**_deflection_model_parameters) mbook.turbine_models["set_yawm"] = foxes.models.turbine_models.SetFarmVars() mbook.turbine_models["set_yawm"].add_var(FV.YAWM, -yaw_angles) for t in farm.turbines: t.insert_model(0, "set_yawm") t.insert_model(1, "yawm2yaw") wake_frame="yawed" # TODO: How to set axial_induction=Betz for deflection # Does it need to be set for deflection? else: wake_frame="rotor_wd" mbook.wake_models[wake_model_name] = _velocity_model( **_velocity_model_parameters, superposition="ws_quadratic" ) # mbook.print_toc(subset="wake_models") return Downwind( mbook, farm, states, verbosity=0, rotor_model="grid16", partial_wakes_model="rotor_points", wake_models=[wake_model_name], wake_frame=wake_frame, **algo_pars )
[docs] def read_case(self, case, site_pars={}, farm_pars={}, ana_pars={}): """ Reads a WindIO case Parameters ---------- case_yaml : str Path to the yaml file site_pars : dict Additional arguments for read_site farm_pars : dict Additional arguments for read_farm ana_pars : dict Additional arguments for read_analyses Returns ------- mbook : foxes.ModelBook The model book farm : foxes.WindFarm The wind farm states : foxes.states.States The states object algo : foxes.core.Algorithm The algorithm """ site_yaml = case["site"] states = self.read_site(site_yaml, **site_pars) farm_yaml = case["wind_farm"] mbook, farm = self.read_farm(farm_yaml, **farm_pars) attr_dict = case["attributes"] algo = self.read_analyses( attr_dict["analyses"], mbook, farm, states, **ana_pars ) return mbook, farm, states, algo
### Post processing
[docs] def AEP(self): return self.sim_res.aep(normalize_probabilities=True).sum()
# 1D line plots
[docs] def vertical_profile_plot( self, wind_direction: float, x_coordinate: float, y_coordinate: float, zmax: float ) -> WakeProfile: # create points of interest, shape (n_states, n_points, 3): points = np.zeros((1, self.N_POINTS_1D, 3)) points[:, :, 0] = x_coordinate points[:, :, 1] = y_coordinate points[:, :, 2] = np.linspace(0, zmax, self.N_POINTS_1D)[None, :] point_results = self.algo.calc_points(self.farm_results, points) profile = WakeProfile( points[0, :, 2], point_results[FV.WS][0, :], ) plot_profile( profile, # direction='x', # component='u', color=self.LINE_PLOT_COLOR, marker=self.LINE_PLOT_MARKER, linestyle=self.LINE_PLOT_LINESTYLE, linewidth=self.LINE_PLOT_LINEWIDTH, label=self.LEGEND ) return profile
[docs] def streamwise_profile_plot( self, wind_direction: float, y_coordinate: float, xmin: float, xmax: float ) -> WakeProfile: # create points of interest, shape (n_states, n_points, 3): points = np.zeros((1, self.N_POINTS_1D, 3)) points[:, :, 0] = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, self.N_POINTS_1D)[None, :] points[:, :, 1] = y_coordinate points[:, :, 2] = self.hub_height point_results = self.algo.calc_points(self.farm_results, points) profile = WakeProfile( points[0, :, 0], point_results[FV.WS][0, :], ) plot_profile( profile, # direction='x', # component='u', color=self.LINE_PLOT_COLOR, marker=self.LINE_PLOT_MARKER, linestyle=self.LINE_PLOT_LINESTYLE, linewidth=self.LINE_PLOT_LINEWIDTH, label=self.LEGEND ) return profile
[docs] def xsection_profile_plot( self, wind_direction: float, x_coordinate: float, ymin: float, ymax: float ) -> WakeProfile: # create points of interest, shape (n_states, n_points, 3): points = np.zeros((1, self.N_POINTS_1D, 3)) points[:, :, 0] = x_coordinate * np.ones((1, self.N_POINTS_1D))[None, :] points[:, :, 1] = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, self.N_POINTS_1D)[None, :] points[:, :, 2] = self.hub_height # calculate point results: point_results = self.algo.calc_points(self.farm_results, points) # create figure: profile = WakeProfile( points[0, :, 1], point_results[FV.WS][0, :], ) plot_profile( profile, # direction='y', # component='u', color=self.LINE_PLOT_COLOR, marker=self.LINE_PLOT_MARKER, linestyle=self.LINE_PLOT_LINESTYLE, linewidth=self.LINE_PLOT_LINEWIDTH, label=self.LEGEND ) return profile
# 2D contour plots
[docs] def horizontal_contour(self, wind_direction: float) -> WakePlane: x_min = np.min(self.farm_results.X) - 2 * self.rotor_diameter x_max = np.max(self.farm_results.X) + 10 * self.rotor_diameter y_min = np.min(self.farm_results.Y) - 2 * self.rotor_diameter y_max = np.max(self.farm_results.Y) + 2 * self.rotor_diameter o = FlowPlots2D(self.algo, self.farm_results) u, grid_data = o.get_mean_data_xy( resolution=self.RESOLUTION_2D, variables=["WS"], xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max, ymin=y_min, ymax=y_max, z=self.hub_height, ret_grid=True, data_format="numpy", ) x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, grid_points = grid_data x = grid_points[0, :, 0] y = grid_points[0, :, 1] # z = grid_points[0, :, 2] u = u[:,:,0].flatten() plane = WakePlane(x, y, u, "z") plot_plane( plane, # cmap='Blues_r', # color_bar=True, clevels=100 ) return plane
[docs] def xsection_contour(self, wind_direction: float, x_coordinate: float) -> WakePlane: y_min = np.min(self.farm_results.Y) - 2 * self.rotor_diameter y_max = np.max(self.farm_results.Y) + 2 * self.rotor_diameter z_min = 0.001 z_max = 6 * self.hub_height o = FlowPlots2D(self.algo, self.farm_results) u, grid_data = o.get_mean_data_yz( resolution=self.RESOLUTION_2D, variables=["WS"], ymin=y_min, ymax=y_max, zmin=z_min, zmax=z_max, x=x_coordinate, ret_grid=True, data_format="numpy", ) x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, grid_points = grid_data # x = grid_points[0, :, 0] y = grid_points[0, :, 1] z = grid_points[0, :, 2] u = u[:,:,0].flatten() plane = WakePlane(y, z, u, "x") plot_plane( plane, # cmap='Blues_r', # color_bar=True, clevels=100 ) return plane