Source code for wcomp.output_struct

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np

[docs] class WakeProfile: def __init__(self, x1: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray): self.x1 = x1 self.values = values def __sub__(self, other): if np.shape(self.x1) != np.shape(other.x1): raise ValueError( "Operands must have consistent grid shapes. " f"self {self.x1.shape}, other {other.x1.shape}." ) return WakeProfile( self.x1, self.values - other.values )
[docs] class WakePlane: def __init__( self, x1: np.ndarray, x2: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray, normal_vector: str, ): self.x1 = x1 self.x2 = x2 self.values = values self.normal_vector = normal_vector def __sub__(self, other): if self.normal_vector != other.normal_vector: raise ValueError( "Operands must have consistent normal vectors. " f"self {self.normal_vector}, other {other.normal_vector}." ) if np.shape(self.x1) != np.shape(other.x1) \ or np.shape(self.x2) != np.shape(other.x2): raise ValueError( "Operands must have consistent grid shapes. " f"self {self.x1.shape}, other {other.x1.shape}." ) return WakePlane( self.x1, self.x2, self.values - other.values, self.normal_vector, )
[docs] class WakeVolume: def __init__(self, df, x1_resolution, x2_resolution, normal_vector): pass